Income Protection: Business Needs
“I couldn’t do anything. I had to lie at home for months. I couldn’t sell. I couldn’t get out there. Dealing with people face to face is my bread and butter. I could have lost a lot of money. Knowing that I had these benefits coming helped the business certainly, but it also gave me piece of mind.”
When Business Owners become too sick or hurt to work, they face a triple threat:
- Keeping a roof over their heads: How could they make ends meet at home if they’re unable to earn an income?
- Keeping the doors open of the business open: Even though an owner or key employee is disabled, business expenses continue and need to be paid.
- Keeping the business investment intact: If the owner cannot return to the business, would the business be able to continue?
Business owners need your help in understanding the threats a disability can pose and the solutions available to help protect the businesses they've worked so hard to establish and grow.
Business Over Expense insurance reimburses a business owner for expenses incurred during a disability.
Covers loans taken out for business purposes in the event of a disability.
Provides benefits to a business in the event a key employee who is critical to the success of the business become totally disabled.
Funds a buy-sell agreement to buy out a totally disabled business owner on a reimbursement basis.