Get Contracted - BUA Online Contracting

Our user friendly contracting tool makes licensing with one company or twenty companies quick and easy to do. Take ten minutes to set up your profile and our tool does the rest by importing information into all of the carrier forms!
Before you get started there are just a few things you will want to have handy:
• E & O Certificate: please have a copy of your current E&O available to upload into the system. You may want to have a hard copy as well because you will need to enter some of the policy information manually into the system.
• LIMRA AML Training: our system is able to pull your records directly from the LIMRA system, but you need to be able to give it your LIMRA AML training password.
• Voided Check: For the electronic depositing of commissions, please have a scanned image of a voided check of the entity to be paid available for uploading into the system.
• Driver's License: Please have your current driver’s license with you. The system will ask for some information from it while creating your profile.
PLEASE NOTE: The tool will launch in a separate window. If the tool does not launch, please check to see if your browser blocked the pop-up. Please follow your computer’s instructions on how to allow the pop-up to open.
Following carrier licensing and contracting standards, BUA utilizes a “Just in Time” contracting procedure. This means, for most carriers, BUA will not submit your contracting paperwork for carrier processing until such time as the first piece of business for that carrier is received by BUA.