SOCA Product Dues Increase
Effective May 1, 2025, the product dues program will be changing for all Participating Employers enrolled in the SOCA Benefit Plan. Beginning with all Participating Employers that have active enrollment in May 2025, the product dues will increase from a per employee per month rate of $2.50 to $3.00 for each employee listed on the product dues invoice. This is the first increase in the history of the Plan, and it reflects rising costs of the current environment.
No retroactive enrollment adjustments will apply for product dues invoicing. Anthem will bill these product dues monthly on behalf of SOCA. The product dues will be invoiced separately from the Participating Employer’s monthly premium equivalent rate invoice and will be debited from the same bank account previously authorized by each Participating Employer via their EFT/ACH Authorization Form executed at the time of original enrollment in the Plan.