Protective Custom Choice℠ UL is being discontinued: What you need to know


As of December 31, 2024, new sales of Protective Custom Choice UL will be discontinued. We are pleased to offer a comprehensive alternative: Protective Classic Choice term and the optional Conversion ChoiceSM rider with ExtendCareSM.

Protective Classic Choice term maintains the value you and your clients expect for short-term coverage, with options beyond the traditional 10-30 year term periods. By adding the Conversion Choice rider to new policies, clients can experience extended conversion periods for a wider range of permanent solutions and gain access to chronic illness protection with ExtendCare upon conversion — no additional underwriting or medical exams required.


Transition rules

For all business, paper or electronic:

  • Applications must be signed and received on or before December 31, 2024.
  • Policies must be placed in force by March 31, 2025.