Premium Saver Extends Broker Bonus Program


MWG has announced they are extending the Broker Bonus Program on the Premium Saver plan for effective dates of July 2024 – September 2024.

Earn a $100 gift card for every group with 5 or more enrolled.  


  • Groups with 41-99 enrolled will receive a $500 bonus!
  • Groups with 100-249 enrolled will receive a $1,000 bonus!!
  • Groups with 250 or more enrolled will receive a $2,000 bonus!!!


The Premium Saver plan is the premier fully insured, employer sponsored group medical insurance plan designed to help employers reduce the cost of group medical coverage. In over 80% of new business cases, the groups significantly reduced premiums with no reduction in benefits.   

To schedule a short presentation on how the Premium Saver can help your clients and increase your commissions, please give me a call at 330.576.1131 or CLICK HERE.