Medical Mutual Introducing Short-Term New Sales Bonus


We are thrilled to introduce the Short-Term Bonus from Medical Mutual! This bonus will be applicable to all 364-day policies with a December effective date. For full details, please click here.

Beginning July 1st, agents will have the opportunity to write 364-day policies with a December effective date. To secure a 364-day policy, applications must be submitted by August 31st, no exceptions.

Key Enrollment Dates for Short-Term Plans:

  • Enroll between July 1, 2024, and August 31, 2024, for a short-term plan with a 364-day coverage period starting in December 2024 (providing coverage until December 30, 2025).
  • Starting September 1, 2024, enroll in a 90-day short-term plan up to 60 days prior to the desired effective date. A subsequent 90-day plan through Medical Mutual (or any of our subsidiary companies) cannot be applied for within a 12-month period.

Important Enrollment Dates for ACA Plans:

  • Enroll between November 1 and December 15, 2024, for a January 1, 2025, effective date.
  • Enroll between December 16, 2024, and January 15, 2025, for a February 1, 2025, effective date.

If you have any questions, please contact BUA.