Cincinnati Life: COVID-19 Underwriting Update


** Updated 04/05/2023 **

Cincinnati Life is pleased to announce the removal of COVID-19 underwriting restrictions, with one modification: Proposed insureds ages 80 and over can now be considered; however, no table ratings or flat extras are permitted.

** Updated 06/09/2021 **

In April 2020, Cincinnati Life implemented temporary changes to their life insurance underwriting guidelines for newly submitted applications. During the changing environment of the COVID-19 pandemic, The Cincinnati Life Insurance Company has evaluated their underwriting and business practices to ensure continued superior service, business continuity and financial strength.

Temporary life insurance underwriting guideline changes

  • Applications dated 5/1/2021 or later that were closed or postponed within the last 30 days due to their prior COVID underwriting guidelines can be reviewed with your request to your underwriter.
  • Any applications dated prior to 5/1/2021 or closed more than 30 days ago will require a new application.
  • A Statement of Good Health is required at delivery if the issue date of policy is more than 30 days after the application date (excludes voluntary payroll deduction policies).

Travel guideline modifications – Cincinnati Life has lifted the previous COVID travel restrictions for countries with a level 3 or 4 advisory as noted by the U.S. Department of State

Issue age and substandard rating limitations – Cincinnati Life has expanded the acceptable table and flat extra ratings for ages 60-79. They are currently not accepting applications for the following:

  • Ages 60-79 with rating greater than Table 4 or Flat Extra greater than $5 per $1,000 due to medical impairments
  • Ages 80 and above


** 04/20/2020 **

Effective April 20, Cincinnati Life is implementing temporary changes to their life insurance underwriting guidelines for newly submitted applications received on or after April 27. These temporary guidelines do not apply to applications that are pending or cases that are issued or approved and awaiting policy issue requirements.

Issue age and substandard rating limitations

Cincinnati Life is temporarily not accepting applications for the following:

  • Ages 60-79 with rating greater than Table 2 or any flat extra due to a medical impairment
  • Ages 80 and above

Temporary life insurance underwriting guideline changes

  • Requiring a Statement of Good Health on delivery of every new policy (excludes voluntary payroll deduction policies)
  • Extending our underwriting window by 30 days to allow additional time for exams to be completed and medical records to be received. Any premium collected with the application will still be returned after 60 days.

Modifying guidelines for travel, issue ages and ratings

Travel guideline modifications for countries with a level 3 or 4 advisory as noted by the U.S. Department of State (Does not apply to states who prohibit underwriting based on travel)

  • Recent Travel - if applicant is returning from a country with a level 3 or 4 advisory, we will not consider coverage until 30 days after their return
  • Future Travel - if applicant has current plans to travel to a country with a level 3 or 4 advisory, they will not be considered for coverage until 30 days after their return

Thank you for your continued support and understanding as we navigate the pandemic and its changing conditions together.

Please give us a call at 1-800-792-6795 if you have any questions about these updates